Saturday, 14 May 2011

Just Finished Reading...

NEVER LET ME GO - By Kazuo Ishiguro

Ok, so here is a book that is just so beautiful in its simplicity. No, I’m not saying it is a ‘simple’ book, not by any means. Its layered and multi-faceted and just encrusted with pure emotion. The way Ishiguro gently talks about these children’s lives, in this seemingly mild natured boarding house, and their life afterwards whilst subtlety hinting at the dark nature of their very existence is astounding.  

Its strange, isn’t it, how something like a novel can effect you so profoundly. The words just seem to touch you somewhere you can’t reach. Its not a visible change, maybe, its something that you carry around with you.

For some reason, Never Let Me Go made me feel like that. It’s not even something I can describe, and it didn’t even fully hit me until part three of the novel, the donor chapters. When it all comes together. And though you knew it was happening from the beginning, you can somehow feel you are these people, because to me, they are people, not some soulless body bags, and they come to terms with what purpose they were created for. I felt like Tommy, and wanted to just scream and rage, at the unfairness of it all, for the hope they lost.
This all might sound really vague if you haven’t read the novel, so come back and read this afterwards, and maybe you will feel some kind of change, like I did

1 comment:

  1. Natalie, I saw this movie, it was great, gave me lots to think. I can only presume that the book was better, as it is usually the case.
